The Meetinghouse at Riverfront

  • New Assisted/Independent Living Facility
  • $4.5 Million Contract
  • 88,000 sq. ft.
  • 9 month completion

North Branch broke ground in December 1998 and in mid March roof trusses were being placed with the help of 2 cranes. By mid May the exterior was complete and construction continued on schedule on the interior of the 102 unit, $4.5 million independent/assisted living facility located on Riverfront Drive in Manchester, NH. The two-wing, three story, wood frame structure emerged from the landscape and can now be seen from Route 293 as it winds through Manchester.

The project was completed in September 1999, and includes an assortment of independent living apartments (complete with kitchen facilities), assisted living and handicapped accessible apartments. The facility, which has two wings connected by a central atrium, also features a commercial kitchen, community dining and sitting areas as well as a beauty salon.

Burnell-Johnson Architects of Manchester, NH provided architectural design for the project.
The Meetinghouse at Riverfront
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