North Branch CFO Named to CFMA 40 Under 40 List

North Branch CFO Named to CFMA 40 Under 40 List

(Concord, NH) Christopher Galbraith, Chief Financial Officer at North Branch Construction, has been named to the Construction Financial Management Association’s (CFMA) 40 Under 40 List for 2021. Nominated by one of his peers on the New Hampshire CFMA Board of Directors, on which Galbraith formerly served as Vice President and as of April 1, 2021 is serving as President, Galbraith is recognized as a high-energy, committed member that played a key role in the establishment of the state chapter four years ago. David Flynn, CPA, Executive Vice President and CFO of B2W Software in Portsmouth and CFMA NH Board Chair said, “Chris leads by example and is always the first to jump in and engage for any project or initiative, without hesitation. He signifies all that is right with our next generation of financial management leaders.”

The CFMA 40 Under 40 recognizes those within the CFMA organization that display the qualities of strong leadership, integrity, innovation, and action within the construction industry and through their contributions to their local communities. CFMA is the only non-profit organization dedicated to serving the educational needs of today’s construction financial professionals.

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